Calm The Chaos

Find Your Peace

Live with Joy

Therapy & Life Coaching for Women in Las Vegas, Nevada & Utah

Feeling Overwhelmed, Guilty, or Stuck?

By the time women reach out to me they feel drained, depleted, and exhausted.

They’re juggling a lot of different roles and responsibilities.

Everyone needs them and they don’t want to disappoint or let anyone down.

They worry about being selfish if they say no, put themselves first, or just want a break.

They’re tired of feeling guilty for not “doing enough” or “being better”.

Sound Familiar?

Hi, I’m Alisa, a Therapist & Life Coach for Women.

I know what it feels like to get derailed in life by stress, overwhelm, difficult emotions, and complex relationship challenges. It just plain SUCKS!! Through my own long and winding journey, I was finally able to get to the root of what really works and heal my own pain and struggle. Now, as a Las Vegas Therapist and Certified Life Coach, I’m committed to helping you do the same.

In our work together you’ll learn how to listen deeply within yourself so that you can discern what you TRULY feel, need, and desire. I’ll teach you how to work WITH your thoughts and emotions in healthy ways and how to listen to the incredible wisdom of your body. Through this process you’ll let go of the heaviness, and reconnect with a deep level of inner clarity, peace, aliveness, and joy that is not dependent on other people’s feelings, or behaviors or ANY outward circumstances.

By the end of our time together you’ll know WHO you are. Self-doubt will no longer plague you. You’ll gain the knowledge, understanding, tools, and skills you need to move through ANY challenge with confidence and faith. You’ll develop a kinder way to be with yourself, others, and life itself.

My clients have told me that working with me feels like a “deep exhale” after having held their breathe for way too long.”


  • You’re a strong woman who knows how to “push through” but you’re getting burned out and you know something’s gotta change.

  • There’s a feeling of being stuck in some area of your life and it seems like no matter how hard you try you just can’t seem to figure it out.

  • You care A LOT about being a GOOD person and doing what’s right, but these good desires seem to turn against you leaving you with feelings of guilt, fear, overwhelm

  • Life has gotten “heavy” and you really want a find a way to live it with less struggle and more peace, light heartedness, and joy

  • You’re sick and tired of seeing the same patterns show up, and you’re ready to do something about it.

 What I Can Help You With as A Therapist for Women

Image of female therapist Alisa and her child smiling. Are you a people-pleaser? Feeling guild or overwhelmed? Get help today by calling for therapy for women in Las Vegas, NV 89144 . Overwhelmed by motherhood? I am also a therapist for moms.

Being a mom is tough. You want to give your child their best start in life but that desire can lead to worry, over giving, and perfectionism. I can help you ditch the mom guilt, and find balance so you can enjoy being a mother without losing YOU.

Image of an elderly couple riding a moped. Are you interested in talking to a personal life coach, therapist for moms, or therapist for women? I empower women through therapy in Las Vegas, NV 89145.

You’ve been in the trenches of kids, career, and building your life. Now all that’s changing and it’s not uncommon to feel sadness, grief, and fear about the future. As both a therapist and coach I’ll help you process the emotions, make peace with your past AND create an inspiring future to live into.

Image of a couple cuddling on the couch with a dog. Motherhood is hard, mom guilt is real, which is why i offer therapy for moms and therapy for women in Utah. Call today to speak with a female therapist and start therapy in Utah 84039. 84121

Let’s be real…when our relationships are good life is good and when their not life sucks! Whether it’s a partner, a child, a family member, a coworker, or a friend, I’ll help you sort things out so you can really enjoy your relationships

Illustration of a door in the middle of a field. Are you a people-pleaser or perfectionist? Are you overwhelmed by guilt or motherhood? I empower women as a  life coach and female therapist through therapy in Utah 84121. Call today to start!

Big life changes can disrupt our equilibrium and bring up all kinds of emotions and challenges we didn’t expect. Counseling & Coaching can help you get your barring’s so you can focus on what matters, weather the storms with grace and support you in staying true to yourself.

Image of a woman looking into the distance. Are you dealing with self-criticism? Are you tired of being a perfectionist and people-pleaser in Las Vegas, NV? Stop being overwhelmed and stop the guilt. I empower women in therapy in Las Vegas, NV 89138.

Your an accomplished, intelligent woman whose got a lot to offer, but love eludes you. You keep attracting emotionally unavailable men or fixer uppers. If you’re ready to change this pattern for good I absolutely know how to help you!

Image of 4 rocks stacked in the sand. Are you struggling with motherhood or mom guilt? Whether you are a new mom or an empty-nester I understand as a therapist for moms. Call today to start therapy for moms in Las Vegas, NV 89145.

Everyone looses their bearings at times and gets caught up in feelings of stress and anxiety. But if the anxiety or stress is becoming an ongoing experience there’s a good reason for it. I’ll help you get to the core of it and resolve it so you can get back to living the life you want to live.

 It’s Time to Create a Life Where all of YOU Matters!

You spend so much time taking care of others and now it’s time to do the same for you. Whether you’re a perfectionist, people-pleaser, or just overwhelmed, as a therapist for women, I truly understand. Starting life coaching or therapy in Las Vegas, NV can feel confusing. I want to make it easier for you to receive the clarity and support that you need. Start with scheduling a free consultation. On the call you’ll get all your questions answered and know how to move forward. Good therapy helps you get to where you want to be in life.

Image of 3 hexagons describing how to start therapy in las Vegas, NV 89138. Need help with motherhood or mom guilt? Want a therapist for women to help you stop being a people-pleaser or perfectionist? Start therapy in Las Vegas, NV 89129.


$250 Per 50 Minute Session

80 and 110 Minute Sessions Are Available

Note: Insurance is not accepted, however I am an Out of Network Provider and can provide you with a Superbill for possible partial reimbursement.


Sunday Closed
Monday 9-5 pm
Tuesday 9-5 pm
Wednesday 9-5 pm
Thursday 9-5 pm
Friday By Request
Saturday Closed